Anti-stress Back Treatment /Massage, Hand And Foot Care, Hair Removal, Massage, Essential Facial, Hot & Cold Stone Massage, Teen Facial, Gentlemen Facial, Eyelash Tinting & Perm, Hard Wax, Rejuvenating Spa Facial, Spa Body Exfoliation & Massage, Eyebrow Tinting, Deep Tissue Body Massage
Eva moved to the Sunshine Coast from the popular 'Vancouver Day Spa'. She is a licensed BC. Esthetician and graduate of Blanch Macdonald Esthetics School in Vancouver BC. She has ...more...See more text
I have to thank Patti for helping me during this pandemic. She went above and beyond. She mixed hair color for me and left it on her front step so I could color my hair myself.....No roots! Thank you PattiRead more
I have very thick hair and went to 3 other stylists in Parksville to try to get my hair thinned and cut into a long shag cut. I went to Dorothy at Full Throttle hair Garage and she did a fabulous job. Finally, a stylist who can properly cut my hair. I am very happy and can honestly say it is the best cut I have had for years. Very reasonable price, too. Yay Dorothy! I will definitely be back.Read more
Locally owned and operated stylist can give you that new look you have been after.
If you are ready for a change, great color, new style or if you just like to maintain the look y...more...See more text