Phosphorus energizes root growth and helps plants as they approach maturity and begin to flower. Here's what you need to know about the fertilizer, as well as some materials you can use to get the nutrient to your plants.
June 30, 2015
Phosphorus energizes root growth and helps plants as they approach maturity and begin to flower. Here's what you need to know about the fertilizer, as well as some materials you can use to get the nutrient to your plants.
Unlike nitrogen, phosphorus persists in the soil and moves very little.
Plants suffering from lack of phosphorus sometimes develop a bluish cast.
Spray plants weekly as needed with fish emulsion; it has about five per cent phosphorus that is immediately available to plants.
Phosphorus becomes less available to plants in acidic and cold, wet soils.
Bonemeal is a slow-released source of phosphorus, remaining in the soil for up to a year.
Rock phosphate is washed, crushed limestone and contains about 33 per cent phosphorus.
If you go overboard and end up with excess phosphorus, work in extra nitrogen and potassium to balance it out.
Bird guano
Fish emulsion
Rock phosphate
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