What to do if I feel emotionally drained from my work

August 20, 2014

If you're starting to feel emotionally drained from your work, read on to find out what you can do to have a happier, healthier lifestyle right now.

Millions of North Americans report an overall sense of exhaustion, even depression, due to stresses at work. Deadlines, difficult clients, or alternatively, a mundane routine, can cause someone to feel generally overworked and under-appreciated. This can certainly take a serious toll on any hardworking individual, no matter the profession.

Living life like this is not pleasant, and without that “spark” you once had, going into work each day can be nothing short of an absolute pain. Try these few simple tricks to help “unclog” that blockage, and renew your sense of enthusiasm.

Speak up

It might seem like a scary thought, but speaking with your employer may help to improve the status of processes and procedures at your place of employment. This can alleviate some of your stress and related concerns. If you’re feeling overworked and under-appreciated, make time to speak to your employer; let him or her know how you’re feeling. Make sure to communicate that you still very much appreciate and enjoy your job, however you are not feeling your most inspired. Try to suggest a few things that make you feel a little better in your work space. If they don’t know you’re unhappy, how can they know to implement changes?

Make time to decompress

For many of us, our jobs don’t necessarily end at 5:00 p.m. We have other “after work” commitments that begin the second we punch out. Picking up the kids, making dinner, clubs, volunteer work. All of these things can be considered “work” for many, but setting aside a time to decompress after work is essential. Before you jump into any other commitments after a workday, especially if your job is stressful, take a few minutes, perhaps an hour, and find something that relaxes you. Read a chapter from your favourite book, hit a yoga class, take a bath, walk the dog, and then cook, clean, or meet the PTA.

Stay active

It’s been proven that those who suffer from stress or anxiety, work related or clinical, experience fewer feelings of emotional exhaustion than others when they are dedicated to a fitness routine. The release of endorphins and increased serotonin levels can help an individual to cope with higher than normal amounts of stress. Try hitting the gym regularly. Working up a sweat is an excellent way to burn off any unwanted “bad” feelings, it’s also great for weight loss, circulation, and heart health.

Exhaustion is considered to be a legitimate cause for leave, and most employers will honour your request for leave due to work-related exhaustion. Also, speak to your physician. There are many treatments and pharmaceutical drugs that can aid in the recovery from feeling emotionally drained and exhausted.

What to do if I feel emotionally drained from my work
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