Relax to beat diabetes: yoga flex and stretch routine

October 9, 2015

This yoga-based routine stretches out the kinks and moves the blood through your body. It works as a morning wake-up routine or an evening wind-down. Do the whole routine without pausing between movements. You'll get more flexible the more you practice this.

Relax to beat diabetes: yoga flex and stretch routine

Exercise routine

  1. Mountain pose. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Inhaling, slowly raise your arms to the sides; continue until they are over your head, with palms facing forward.Exhaling, slowly lower your arms.  Repeat.
  2. Standing forward bend. Inhale and repeat mountain pose so that your arms are extended above your head, palms facing forward.Exhaling, bend forward at the waist, keeping a slight bend in your elbows and knees. Try to touch the floor or your ankles or shins, depending on what's comfortable. Roll back up to the starting position. Repeat.CAUTION If you have back pain, place a small stool or a stack of books 30 centimetres (12 inches) high by your feet and reach towards that. 
  3. Triangle pose. Stand with your feet 60 to 90 centimetres (2 to 3 feet) apart (wider than hip-width), with toes facing forwards.Inhaling, raise your arms to the sides until they reach shoulder level, palms down, so your upper body forms a T.Exhaling, bend forward at the waist and reach with your left hand towards your right ankle, foot or calf (whichever is easier), placing your right hand on the small of your back. Return to the T position and repeat on the other side. Do three times.
  4. Standing side stretch. Stand with your feet 60 to 90 centimetres (2 to 3 feet) apart (wider than hip-width) and raise your arms to the sides to form a T. Exhaling, bend to the right and grasp your right leg with your right hand just below the knee while bending your left arm slightly so your left hand moves closer to your ear.Inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Do three times.
  5. Touchdown tilt. Lie on your back with knees bent, hip-width apart, arms at your sides and hands on the floor, palms down. Inhaling, raise your hands over your head as if you were a football referee signaling a touchdown. Let your back arch slightly and touch your hands to the floor above your head or rest them by your ears with elbows bent. Exhaling, bring your arms back to your sides and flatten your back gently towards the floor. Do three times.
  6.  Lying twist. Lie on your back with your right knee bent so your foot is on the floor near your left knee.Exhaling, turn your head to the right and use your left hand to gently pull your right knee towards the floor on the left. Inhale and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do three times.
  7. Upward raised legs. Lie on your back. Use your hands to pull your knees towards your chest, keeping them slightly apart.
  8. Relaxation pose. Kneel on a rug or mat with knees slightly apart and arms at your sides. Inhaling, raise your arms straight overhead. Or raise your arms in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Exhaling, bend forwards at the waist and lower your extended hands and forearms to the floor, moving your hips back so you're sitting on your feet. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Do one time.
  9. Cat pose. From relaxation pose, get on hands and knees. Inhale, keeping your weight distributed evenly on your arms and legs. Raise your chin and let your back arch so it makes a gentle U-shaped dip toward the floor.  Exhaling, move your hips back, lower your head and tilt your pelvis to round your spine, starting with your lower back and progressing through middle and upper back. Your head should be slightly lower than your hips. Do three times.
  10. Kneeling rest pose. From cat pose, lower your hips until you're in a kneeling position. Keeping your back straight, rest your hands lightly on your thighs. Close your eyes and breathe slowly for one minute. If this position is uncomfortable, try placing a pillow between your feet and your buttocks.
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