The junkyard is a great place to find second-hand household materials. But knowing what to look for and what to avoid takes skill. Here are some pointers when looking for used windows and doors.
July 29, 2015
The junkyard is a great place to find second-hand household materials. But knowing what to look for and what to avoid takes skill. Here are some pointers when looking for used windows and doors.
Rot is a common problem in wood window frames and is often the reason they have been dumped in the first place. Many are repairable and specialized lumber yards supply standard wooden sash and frame profiles that may be used to repair rotted sections. Patching up such a window is not difficult and, with modern high-quality adhesives and extra hardware, a perfectly acceptable repair can be made.
Reglazing will be necessary if the glass is broken. Old glass is difficult to cut, so either get a glazier to replace it, or completely remove the glass yourself and install new glass cut to size by a glazier.
Sashes on old windows can become stuck with many years of successive coats of paint. Here's what will have to happen for you to get it back working normally.
There are great finds to be had looking for used windows and doors. Knowing what to watch out for can make it easier to install and add some quaint charm to your decor at a fraction of the cost.
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