Keep these four common kitchen staples fresh

June 30, 2015

Your new hand-painted salt shaker may not contain an expiry date, but in truth, that doesn't mean the salt in it hasn’t past its peak. We take everyday pantry items for granted since they rarely exhibit signs of aging, but there are simple ways to make them last longer. Use these easy tricks to help these four kitchen staples stay working for you.

Keep these four common kitchen staples fresh

Garlic: the skin is it

The papery peel from fresh garlic does a lot more than cover it; left in the canister in which you store your garlic (on your countertop, not your fridge, please!), it releases enzymes, which help keep your garlic fresher for longer. So after you peel a clove, put the skin back in the storage container with the rest of the bulb. Amazing!

Salt and pepper: let it flow

The holes in a salt and pepper shaker tends to clog up in humid whether. To keep the moisture out of your salt, add a few grains of raw rice or some crumbled saltine crackers to the shaker. To keep ground black pepper from clogging, add a few black or white peppercorns.

Brown sugar: keep it soft

Prevent brown sugar from turning into a brick by putting either a few dried prunes or a strip of orange peel in the box. Tape the box closed and store it in a sealed plastic bag — preferably in the freezer.

Olive oil: a pinch of sugar

Unless you use olive oil in large quantities, try this trick to make your supply last: add a drop of sugar to the bottle and it will stay fresher longer. Keep it away from your stove; the heat will turn it rancid.

Try these easy tricks to keep your pantry staples up to par and you're sure to notice a difference in the taste of your favourite recipes.


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