If you’re already struggling to make minimum payments on a loan or credit cards, these five strategies could be what you need to help you on the path towards becoming debt-free.
October 30, 2014
If you’re already struggling to make minimum payments on a loan or credit cards, these five strategies could be what you need to help you on the path towards becoming debt-free.
First, make a complete list of all your debts to get an accurate idea of the situation.
It's not enough to keep a list in your head. Write it down and make it tangible. Include in your list:
Calculate your total monthly debt repayments, then at the bottom of the page list the principal balance in one column, and the interest you’re paying on the capital in another column.
Now that you're on the right path and can finally enjoy a sigh of relief, don’t reward yourself with retail therapy!
Once you’ve successfully lowered your debt – and yes, you will succeed – you can reward yourself for your effort. Just try to avoid using a credit card at all costs! And remember...never spend your money before you have it!
Above all else, keep in mind that creditors tend to lend you an umbrella when it’s sunny out, but want it back when it rains.
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