Healthy salad greens

October 9, 2015

Toss your salad with a variety of greens to elevate your fibre intake and antioxidant levels. Arugula, chicory, dandelion greens, escarole, radicchio and watercress offer myriad nutrients and health benefits.

Healthy salad greens

What’s in them?

  1. Beta-carotene: Watercress, escarole and especially chicory and dandelion greens are excellent sources of this healing pigment, which may help to prevent acne, cancer and vision loss.
  2. Folate: Eating 250 grams (one cup) of raw chicory provides almost half the daily requirement for folate, which helps to protect against cardiovascular disease and birth defects. Arugula also supplies ample folate.
  3. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and inulin: These indigestible carbohydrates may promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. FOS and inulin from chicory are currently under review for their potential to protect against cancer, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, heart disease, obesity and osteoporosis.Insoluble fibre: This type of fibre may satisfy your appetite and relieve constipation by improving intestinal function.
  4. Potassium: Salad greens, particularly chicory, provide appreciable amounts of this cardioprotective mineral; 250 grams (one cup) of chopped chicory provides 756 milligrams of potassium.)
  5. Vitamin C: Chicory, dandelion greens and watercress are very good sources of this antioxidant, which may benefit immunity and cardiovascular health.
  6. Vitamin E: Chicory and dandelion greens contain appreciable amounts of vitamin E compounds, which may protect against cancer and vision loss.

Maximizing the benefits

Oil enhances the absorption of beta-carotene, so salad dressings are beneficial partners to beta-carotene-rich greens.

Health bites

A preliminary study suggests that smokers who eat 170 grams (3/4 cup) of watercress each day may gain lung cancer protection from the phytochemical phenyl ethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC).

Add more to your diet

  • Sauté watercress or arugula in olive oil with garlic and red pepper flakes and serve as a hot vegetable side dish.
  • Toss chicory with crisp turkey bacon and whole wheat croutons in a warm red wine vinaigrette.
  • Make a sauce for pasta. Sauté dandelion greens in olive oil with golden raisins and pine nuts, and toss with pasta and grated Parmesan cheese.
  • For a cool summer soup, combine tomato juice, watercress, vinegar and a couple of ice cubes in a blender and puree until smooth.
  • Serve hot foods, such as chicken, meat or fish, on a bed of cool, dressed salad greens.
  • Add bitter salad greens such as arugula, watercress or radicchio to sweet fruit salads.
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