Clamming up at what to making for dinner tonight? Try a seafood pizza, or a moist grilled salmon. Both options will please the pickiest of eaters.
June 30, 2015
Clamming up at what to making for dinner tonight? Try a seafood pizza, or a moist grilled salmon. Both options will please the pickiest of eaters.
New Haven, Connecticut, is famous throughout the American northeast for its pizza. None is more coveted than the clam pizza. In making a version at home, the trick to keeping it simple is using canned chopped clams, which have a mild flavour that blends perfectly with ricotta and mozzarella cheeses.
Prep time 10 min
Cook time 20 min
Serves 4
Okay, so clams aren't your thing? Try topping the pizza with some sautéed medium shrimp or bay scallops. Or omit the seafood all together and add grated Romano cheese.
Cardamom distinguishes the flavour of many Indian and Moroccan dishes, but it's rarely used with America's favourite fish: salmon. Here, it combines with coriander and cinnamon in a terrific spice rub that perks up grilled salmon steaks topped with a colourful relish of summer vegetables.
Prep time 15 min
Cook time 15 min
Serves 4
Add more flavour by mixing a one millilitre (1/4 teaspoon) cayenne pepper, one millilitre (1/4 teaspoon) ground cumin and one millilitre (1/4 teaspoon) ground ginger into the spice rub.
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