Talk to your doctor about how to get rid of belly fat. And before making an appointment for surgery, take the time to see what else you can do about it.
July 8, 2014
Talk to your doctor about how to get rid of belly fat. And before making an appointment for surgery, take the time to see what else you can do about it.
Ah, love handles. Why do they hold on so tightly?
Stress is responsible for many health problems, and stomach fat is not excluded.
But all the stress reduction in the world can’t help you get rid of belly fat if your hormonal system is unbalanced. Your doctor can determine if that is the case and if your excess of abdominal fat is affecting your cardiovascular health and your blood sugar levels.
Sometimes, surgery is the solution of choice for dealing with an accumulation of abdominal fat.
There are other less invasive options to eliminate fat such as laser lipolysis (reserved for localized excess fats) and cryolipolysis.
In addition to consulting with one of the health care professionals at your local medical clinic—doctors, nurses, nutritionists, dieticians and psychologists—you might also choose to speak to a personal trainer or even a life coach about how to get physically active and see yourself from a new perspective.
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