You probably know how essential sleep is to your health. No doubt, when you don't get it, you feel it. With sleep being so important, and lack of sleep being such a discomfort, in addition to being a health hazard, experiencing sleep difficulties oft
The quality of your sleep is closely related to the quality of your waking hours. Live happily and actively, and sleep will come more easily. Here are some tips for enjoying a better night's rest.
Make your pre-sleep rituals soothing and joyful. You'll be rewarded with a deep slumber — and maybe even sweet dreams. Here's how.
Skimping on rest can have far-reaching effects on your health. These are some facts about sleeping when you're older, and how to get better rest overall.
A recent study found people with several medical conditions reported also suffering a lack of sleep. Researchers concluded that there is a correlation between health and sleep. Here are some examples of conditions known to affect sleep.
The average amount of sleep that we get each night has fallen by around two hours over the past 40 years — not a good development for our cardiovascular systems. Adequate sleep is an important insurance against a range of risk factors including obesi
Nothing aids sleep more than feeling relaxed, and there's little more relaxing than a good face message. So loosen up and prepare for a satisfying snooze; no counting sheep required.
Falling asleep quickly sounds like one of the most natural and easiest things to do, but for many people it's one of life's greatest challenges. The good news is there are foods you can eat and avoid to help you fall, and stay, asleep.
Snoring can be a nuisance, but there are remedies to help you with your snoring husband. Try these tips and start catching more zzz’s in no time.
Discover how sleep apnea treatments can help you sleep well and feel better rested.
These helpful rest-inducing tips will have you sleeping like a baby in no time.
When the pressures of the world are getting you down, it sometimes helps to get lost in solitary activity and find comfort by yourself. Here are some tips to help keep your mind peaceful and stress-free.
A good night's sleep is one of the best things you can do to ensure good health — but can be the most elusive. Here are some techniques that can help promote better sleep. Try one — or try them all.
A good night's sleep is one of the best things for your health — but it doesn't always come easily. Here are four things that can make a big difference in how well you sleep.
If you're feeling fatigue, it may be more than just getting some sleep — it could also be your diet. Here are some ways you can naturally fight fatigue.
"Sleep debt" refers to missing out on your optimal amount of sleep for multiple nights in a row.
If your life is too busy, maybe it's time to change your sleep patterns from monophasic (a single sleep period) to polyphasic (multiple sleep periods).
If you're having trouble falling or staying asleep at night, a few simple changes to your diet could help you get a better night's rest.
Here are a few different sleeping postures you can try along with their benefits.
Good sleep hygiene can help you get to bed and sleep better throughout the night. This go-to-sleep checklist can help you settle down for a great night's sleep.
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