There is something satisfying about pulling a perfect carrot out of the garden. Here are six pointers for growing your own well-formed and sweet-tasting crop.
June 30, 2015
There is something satisfying about pulling a perfect carrot out of the garden. Here are six pointers for growing your own well-formed and sweet-tasting crop.
To increase your carrot harvest, mix the seeds with unused ground coffee before sowing.
You might also like to add a few radish seeds to the mix before sowing.
Sow seeds in a row or a band as thinly as possible — no more than three seeds per 25 millimetres. Planting in rows is preferable, since it makes weeding easier.
Follow this rule when choosing varieties: the heavier the soil, the shorter the carrot should be.
In warmer areas, you can cut off carrot tops in late fall, cover the bed with thick, organic mulch or bales of straw or hay, and dig carrots as you need them through most of the winter.
Most carrots are orange, and deep-orange carrots usually contain the most vitamin A.
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