5 pointers for repotting a houseplant

June 23, 2015

Repotting a houseplant can be done at any time, but the best time is just before growth begins, which is in spring for most houseplants. Here are some pointers for transferring your plant to a new pot.

5 pointers for repotting a houseplant

Is your plant ready for a new pot?

Here are four signs that a plant is ready for repotting.

  1. New leaves appear slowly and are very small compared to older leaves.
  2. Soil dries out very quickly, or water runs down the inside of the pot without soaking in.
  3. Roots are growing out through the drainage holes or are appearing above the soil's surface in the pots.
  4. Roots are so tightly coiled that when you pull the plant from the pot, you see all roots and no soil.

1. Try an ice cream scoop

Does dirt scatter everywhere when you are replanting your houseplants?

  • An ice cream scoop is the perfect way to add soil to the new pot without making a mess.

2. Never pull on a houseplant’s head

  • To help loosen a plant from a pot, water it well, then run a table knife around the inside of the pot.
  • Sometimes you'll need to break a pot to get the plant out. When this is necessary, tap the pot gently with a hammer or mallet to avoid damaging plant roots.

3. Repotting big plants

You don't have to repot big plants as often as smaller ones.

  • Instead, give the soil new life by removing three to five centimetres of the old potting mix from the surface.
  • Replace it with fresh potting soil to the original level.
  • When top dressing long-lived rubber plants, palms or Norfolk pines, you can incorporate timed-release fertilizer at the same time.

4. Have a spring propagation party

Most houseplants make most of their new growth in spring, so that's the best time to divide and propagate them.

  • If you think you'll end up with more plants than you want, invite some friends over and have a propagation party.

5. Be considerate of shedders

Some houseplants, such as the weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) or Boston fern, can be traumatized by repotting, moving to a new location or sometimes even a change of seasons.

  • They show their displeasure by shedding leaves.
  • Let them sulk, clean up the mess and be patient.
  • If the plants otherwise receive good care, they will recover from their bad mood.

Just a reminder

Always keep the plant label even after repotting, so that you won't forget the plant's name or the care it needs.

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