Integrative Method of Treatment .
Combination of Osteopathic and Acupuncture therapy .
Low Laser Intensity Therapy (LILT),
Massage Therapy.
Alternative & Holistic Health, Patholog...more...See more text
Stan is a very knowledgeable and experiences osteopath. He is always willing to think and do his best to find a perfect solution to help his patients. I also value that he will do his best every single time with out stretching the treatments to more visits. I hope that it is going to stay this way :) I've sent many customers to Stan and they've been happy. Please keep being a professional and disciplined osteopath. Read more
You deserve to be pampered. Located in Toronto's north end, A Sunshine Spa is your premier destination for relaxing and rejuvenating treatments, including massages and alternative ...more...See more text
Peony Beauty Day Spa is one of the best massage therapy alternatives. We can assure you the healing right on the spot. We are the day Spa that creates customized treatments to meet...more...See more text
Elmwood Spa is an urban spa destination for women and men who seek stress relief and relaxation in a serene atmosphere. Two restaurants, a juice bar, 34 treatment rooms, and water ...more...See more text