Notice about COVID-19:

We’re Here For You

Psychology is an essential service. The response to COVID-19 has forced us all to make big changes in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, but our offices have not closed and we’ve stayed open to referrals for psychological assessment and treatment.

For the safety of clients, our staff, and the whole community, we’re providing a combination of telehealth and in-person services.

Telehealth (video and voice-only): We’re conducting most appointments through telehealth, either through a secure video call or by voice only. For video appointments, we use two user-friendly applications—zoom and Voice only meetings can be by phone or by as voice only.

In-Person: When we do conduct psychological services in-person, we meet or exceed public health recommendations for safe delivery of services like ours. For example, we’ve greatly limited the number of people coming to our offices, disinfecting surfaces between meetings as well as part-way through longer meetings, and maintaining appropriate physical distancing.

We expect to be able to offer all parts of psychological and psychoeducational assessment via telehealth soon.

If you have questions about any of our safety practices, please get in touch.

P - 204.489.1682
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Welcome to Anderson Adkins & Associates

Anderson Adkins & Associates is a general and family psychology practice. It is a partnership of Dr. Neal D. Anderson, C.Psych. and Dr. Elizabeth Adkins, C.Psych., who maintain individual practices and supervise the work of their clinical associates. We provide services to children, teens, adults, couples, and families, and work with a broad range of issues.

Red Ladder Optimized Learning is the part of our practice dedicated to providing comprehensive, accessible psycho-educational evaluation and treatment services for children, teens, and adults. Where a person struggles with learning—in school or college, in university or on the job—Red Ladder Optimized Learning works to identify what's causing the problem, and to help the child, teen, or adult toward more success in school and in life.

For more information, click on one of the links below.

Anderson Adkins & Associates Services

We provide psychological services to children, teens, adults, couples, and families. We offer assistance with a range of issues, including:

Stress Management
Acute Stress
Marital Difficulties
Family Relationship Problems
Sexual Difficulties
Problems at Work
Anger Management
Addictions (e.g. Alcohol, Smoking)
Behavioural Health Consultation

As Red Ladder Optimized Learning, we offer evaluation and treatment of:

Learning Disabilities
Non-Verbal Disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
Fetal Alcohol Problems
Developmental Issues
Behavioural Problems

Contact us any time for more information about any of our services or to book an appointment.

Anderson Adkins and Associates
Red Ladder Optimized Learning
633 - 1445 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 3P4 Canada
Phone (204) 885-3276 (88-LEARN)
Fax (204) 489-1748