Get to Know Me
Vineland Psychological Services is a psychology practice located on the border towns of Flin Flon, Mb and Creighton Sk, specializing in comprehensive assessments for school-aged children, youth and adults.
Wendy Bentley is a Registered Psychologist through the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists as well as the Psychological Association of Manitoba


Comprehensive assessments can identify learning difficulties, intellectual impairments, mood and behavioral challenges. Possible diagnosis could include:
Specific Learning Disability
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Intellectual Disability
and other challenges and mental health disorders
Specific recommendations are provided based on assessment results to promote growth, focus on strengths and improve overall quality of life.

Benefits & Costs
The hourly fee for Psychologists in Saskatchewan is $200, as recommended by the Psychology Association of Saskatchewan.
To ensure that no one goes without service, a sliding scale fee may be available.
Please check with your extended health insurance plans as you may have full or partial coverage for assessments or counselling sessions
Jordan's Principle ensures that all First Nations children living in Canada have access to any mental health support and services they need.
First Nations adults with treaty status have coverage through NIHB
Payments can include cash, cheque and e-transfer

If you’re looking for quality and confidential psychological counselling
sessions with a licensed Psychologist that cares, then you’ve come to the right place. I provide support for children, youth and adults alike to foster healing and growth within the family unit or individually. Vineland provides a safe and nurturing environment where we can explore your concerns and work towards positive change together.

One day at a time, one step at a time, one breathe at a time.

Fresh starts and new beginnings happen here.