RJS Craft Winemaking
VineCo Wines
R Q Wines
Seasonal Specialties
Custom Wine Labels
BlackBerry Wine Recipe
Contact The Local Vintner |

Quality Product + 43 years Wine
Industry Experience = Satisfaction Guaranteed !
Welcome to Spirit of the Grape.com
At The Local Vintner we specialize in On-Premise Craft Winemaking.
We also carry Craft Brew supplies & equipment.
Partner in the RJS Academy... a network of the
best and most passionate RJS Craft Winemaking retailers across the country.
- Restricted Quantity Seasonal Release: Vineco Passport Series for 2023 !!! Reserve one today: 3 red wine blends from Australia, California, Chile, and a white blend from Australia. More Info
Phone or drop in for our Monthly Specials and get acquainted with the VineCo Wine Kits ( a Canadian company) !
- "Craft & Cork" Blog Site: BLOG.RJSCraftWinemaking.com
- Malt and Wort Kits : BREW HOUSE, COOPERS, and we carry a variety of BEER-MAKING supplies.
- We offer Specialty Winemaking Equipment including OAK Barrels, Conical Fermentors, Carboy De-Gassing Vacuum Locks, and more...
- Cellaring Tips.pdf : More resources at RJSCraftWinemaking.com
Contact us:thelocalvintner@gmail.com
5530 Wharf Avernue #111, Sechelt, BC
~ 604-740-0947
Store Hours
Open Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 6 pm
and Saturday: 11 am - 2 pm
(Closed Sunday and Monday...
and usually the Saturday of Long Weekends)
