Abisara Machold, owner and founder of Inhairitance, is a self-image visionary, expert curl alchemist, pioneer, entrepreneur, world traveller, natural hair product junkie and personal coach. Her natural hair salon Inhairitance, inspires women of all ages, men and children to empower themselves, starting with their caring for their curly, wavy, frizzy, puffy, coily or nappy hair.
“Sixty-five percent of all women have curly hair of various types,” owner Abisara states. Yet many women are at odds with it, especially those of African American descent. A lot of them choose chemical hair relaxing to control their curls. “This is permanently damaging to the hair and scalp,” explains Abisara.
“Inhairitance is about the journey of self-discovery, and conscious living, starting with your hair, with unblocking your roots. There is a lot of heavy baggage that has been passed down. There continues to be incredible pressure especially on young girls, to emulate narrow standards of beauty.”
When Abisara was 14, growing up in Austria, she underwent her first ever permanent at a salon. It resulted in a foot of her hair breaking off, and a crown of burned skin erupting on her forehead.
Recovering from this trauma, Abisara became passionate and knowledgeable about healing herself, and promoting natural beauty solutions.