Adsum means ''I Am Here''Adsum means ''I am here''For 31 years, Adsum has been meeting women and children, youth and trans persons where they are, without judgment, offering a range of services and support during periods of homelessness.We operate out of four locations in the Halifax Regional Municipality: an emergency shelter , second-stage housing and two affordable, supportive housing buildings for women and children. Additionally, we recently purchased condominiums in an established neighbourhood that are rented as stable housing to women-led families. Whats HappeningPosted: September 18th, 2014Shoppers Drug Marts Tree of Life Campaign Adsum for Women & Children and Shoppers Drug Mart are partnering.Posted: June 9th, 2014Positive change for clients - in finding housing, accessing services and feeling empowered - is one of the key.Making a difference - Business Voice June 2014Posted: June 5th, 2014Making a difference; Non-profits make our city a better place to live ''We have the HR side of things, themore...See more text