Health is more than just the absence of disease. PWHCE is committed to fostering a better understanding of what determines women's health by:GENERATING NEW KNOWLEDGE through identification, of issues and research on women's health issuesPROVIDING POLICY ADVICE, analysis and information to governments, health organizations and non-governmental organizations, and by helping to define a women's health research program for Manitob,a Saskatchewan and the rest of CanadaANALYSING DATA and resources on women's healthCOMMUNICATING KNOWLEDGE promoting further discussion on women's health through publications, various medi,a workshops, conferences and social media such as Facebook and YouTube.BUILDING and STRENGTHENING NETWORKS of individuals and organizations. PWHCE is associated and linked with organizations, individuals and policy makers at community, regional and national levelsWe are committed to bringing together community-based and academic research and policy expertiseWe value different viewpoints and approaches that women of diverse backgrounds and life experiences bring to health issues, and recognize the importance of involving women in all aspects of health researchWe are a partnership of women's groups, researchers, policy makers, service providers and individuals dedicated to women-centred, participatory, action-driven policy researchCurrently, our focus is on the following priority areamore...See more text