Accusharp & Small Engine Services
Details & Description

Products and Services

  • Chain Saws,
  • Lawn Mowers,
  • Shredders,
  • Trimmers,
  • Snow Blowers,
  • Generators,
    • Chippers,
    • Leaf Blowers,
    • Power Washers,
  • more...
  • less...

Brands Carried

  • Echo,
  • Shindaiwa,
  • Toro,
  • Briggs & Stratton,
  • Honda,
  • Husqvarna,

Languages Spoken

  • English,
213 1st Street East, North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B4
Useful Information

Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Ratings & Reviews - Accusharp & Small Engine Services

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    Excellent service and very information during the buying of a chipper/shredder.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Got my lawnmower fixed quite quickly considering it must be the busy season. Very pleased with the work. Very good service.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Took in saw chain for sharpening. All they did was take my phone number and contact them in a week.Phoned and told ready and picked up and charged but not give receipt which did not consider a problem. When went to use found was not sharpened. Went back and the owner attempted to talk and argue over my comments that they were not responsible even when I showed them the bag they had written my name. After asking twice if they were a member of BBB he refunded my money.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Don't believe the bad reviews

    I own a medium sized painting company with several Pressure-washers, blowers, generators, etc. I used to go to Arrow Equipment as they are only a few blocks away from our shop... used to until I called them up and asked if they would work on my generator which I was desperate to have fixed and the guy on the phone said they weren't interested in fixing it as it "wasn't worth their time" Needless to say I wasn't impressed and started to look elsewhere. I'm glad I did. Accusharp is the best!

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Worst service. ...

    Worst service. I brought me weed whipper in ti be repaired. The owner, Henry I think, said that he sould need fo replace all parts on it. I asked why when i knew the problem was the carborator. The owner agrued with me. He called me dumb and claimed i didnt know anything about repair. He even said that i eould be better going somewhere else. Which is exactly what i did. I cant warn you enough about this shop. The owner is baligerant and rude.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

    Painful experience

    My wife bought a push mower from Accusharp. She brought it home and pushed it maybe 5 feet and we quickly determined that it was too small for our yard. She tried to return it the next day at which point she was told that they could not give a refund because it was "used". After a painful series of arguments (to the point that my wife was in tears), they eventually agreed to give her a full refund. Thanks for the refund, but the argument and tears are regrettable. We would not go back.

    Are you the owner? Reply or Contact YP

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    Editor’s Pick
    Stay Sharp with these Vancouver Lawn Mower Shops

    Stay Sharp with these Vancouver Lawn Mower Shops

    Another North Van provider of power and lawn-care equipment services, Accusharp services the North Shore and Burnaby in their repairs, sharpening and general maintenance of all your household power tools. They also carry an impressive array of top brands in lawn mowers, from Craftsman to Toro to Honda and Husqvarna.

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