At We Wai Kai Nation there are at present, 854 Band citizens. The On-Reserve residents are equally divided between two Reserves, Quinsam, in Campbell River and Cape Mudge Village on Quadra Island.Cape Mudge ResortNewsThe most recent census data reports that the We Wai Kai Nation population is approximately 1022 members, of which an estimated 500 live off-reserve. The We Wai Kai Nation's reserve lands cover 684.74 hectares (1692.27 acres). The We Wai Kai Nation had 5 designated reserve lands, which include:Village Bay - identified as Indian Reserve #7 - located on the east side of Quadra Island, is 4.11 hectares in size and uninhabited. Drew Harbour is site for the We Wai Kai Campground, the We Wai Kai Nation Seafood Corporation, and the Raving Raven seasonal food kiosk.Cape Mudge - identified as Indian Reserve #10 - located on the south-western portion of Quadra Island.more...See more text